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Symfony: Our backend development toolbox
We've been using the Symfony framework for many years. When we overhauled our CMS, we started with version 2.0, and we regularly update and use this framework for almost all our projects.

Symfony's security layer allows us to fine-tune access to our applications' resources, according to profiles, roles, ACLs and voters.
Thanks to the Monolog system, all user accesses and actions are logged and reported in various channels (specific files, Sentry, E-mail, Slack).
Data persistence
The data persistence layer is provided by Doctrine. This ORM makes it easy to manipulate data that needs to be saved in a database.
Symfony offers a multitude of components that can operate independently and cover all our use cases. For example: HTTP Client, Workflow, Messenger, Validator.
Twig components
More recently, at iomedia, we've been using Twig components, which enable us to reuse UI components. Our applications use the same display components (buttons, modal windows, dropdowns, etc.).
Symfony UX
Symfony UX, through Turbo and Stimulus, enables us to develop rich, interactive interfaces, with partial page reloads and targeted content updates.
The Symfony environment offers an enriched testing experience, with a PHPUnite overlay and the ability to perform end-to-end testing (E2E).